
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Squash those bad eating habits. . .


So I'm trying to eat a bit healthier and slowly cut red meat from my diet. I no longer want to eat processed foods or foods high in sodium and sugar, so I'm making the conscious effort to eat green and eat only foods that come directly from the earth. I've been introduced to some low calorie and easy to create dishes that I'm going to share over the next few weeks.

Recently my sister introduced me to this simple spaghetti squash dish. Here is. . .

What you'll need:

1 medium sized Spaghetti squash
Parmesan cheese (optional)
Coarse black or white pepper (optional)
Organic unsalted butter (optional)

1. Preheat oven at 350 to 400
2. Half Spaghetti squash and remove seeds.
3. Place squash face up into the oven and cook for 45 minutes
4. Once cooked used a fork to pull the spaghetti like strands from the inside of the squash.
5. If you choose to add a dash of Parmesan cheese, black pepper, or butter this is the time to do so

I chose to make this one meal but you could also pair this with a salad or the protein of your choice.

That's it! Enjoy and customize to your liking. Happy eating!

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